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发布日期:2020-01-06  来源:   浏览次数:







从事风沙物理学与环境力学相关的研究工作。主持和参加了5项国家自然科学基金项目、1项国家科技支撑计划项目,和1项装备预研基金项目共用技术基金等。在Journalof Geophysical Research、Physics of Fluids和NewJournal of Physics等期刊上发表SCI论文45篇。其中,1篇被NewJournal of Physics评为“Highlight论文”,1篇被EarthEmphasis central of top earth and environmental science research评为“key research article”。此外,获得2项美国发明专利、2项发明专利、2项软件著作权和2项地方标准。











45. Liu L,BoT L*. A study on the initiation of saltation in the model of wind-blownsand transport considering the effect of turbulence[J]. Granular Matter, 2019,21(3): 78.

44. Mei A,BoT L*. Spatial Variation of Statistical and Spectral Properties of theStream Wise and Wall-Normal Velocity Fluctuations in the Near-NeutralAtmospheric Surface Layer[J]. Boundary-Layer Meteorology, 2019, 173(2):223-242.

43. Liu L,BoT*. Effects of checkerboard sand barrier belt on sand transport and duneadvance[J]. Aeolian Research, 2020, 42: 100546.

42. Zhang X,Yang S,Bo T*. Experimental study on the space charge properties in hazeevents[J]. Journal of Environmental Sciences, 2020, 87: 361-376.

41. Li XB,BoTL*.An application of Quadrant and Octant Analysis to the AtmosphericSurface Layer [J].Journal of Wind Engineering & Industrial Aerodynamics,2019.

40. Li XB,BoTL*. Statistics and spectra of turbulence under different roughness in theatmospheric surface layer [J].Earth Surface Processes and Landforms,2019.

39. Han, G. W.,Liu, L.,Bo, T. L., & Zheng, X. J. (2019). A Predictive Model forthe Streamwise Velocity in the Near‐neutral AtmosphericSurface Layer.Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres.

38. Zhang XB, LiDF,Bo TL*.The variation of the vertical electric field (Ez) with heightduring dust storms and the effects of environmental variables on Ez[J].Granular Matter, 2018.

37. Yang H,BoT*. Scaling of Wall-Normal Turbulence Intensity and Vertical EddyStructures in the Atmospheric Surface Layer[J]. Boundary-Layer Meteorology,2018, 166(2): 199-216.

36. Han G, ZhengX J,Bo T*. Experimental investigation of turbulent transport ofmomentum and heat in the atmospheric surface layer[J]. Journal of Atmosphericand Solar-Terrestrial Physics, 2017, 164: 18-28.

35. Huang H J,BoT L*, Zhang R. Exploration of splash function and lateral velocity based onthree-dimensional mixed-size grain/bed collision[J]. Granular Matter, 2017,19(4): 73.

34.Bo T L,Fu L T, Liu L, Zheng X*. An improved numerical model suggests potentialdifferences of wind‐blown sand between on Earth andMars[J].Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 2017, 122(11):5823-5836.

33. Liu H Y,BoT L*, Liang Y R. The variation of large-scale structure inclination anglesin high Reynolds number atmospheric surface layers[J]. Physics of Fluids, 2017,29(3): 035104.

32. Zhang H,BoT L, Zheng X*. Evaluation of the electrical properties of dust storms bymulti-parameter observations and theoretical calculations[J].Earth andPlanetary Science Letters, 2017, 461: 141-150.

31. Zheng X*,Wang G,Bo T, et al. Field Observations on the Turbulent Features of theNear-surface Flow Fields and Dust Transport During Dust Storms[J]. ProcediaIUTAM, 2015, 17: 13-19.

30.Bo T L,Ma P, Zheng X J*. Numerical study on the effect of semi-buried strawcheckerboard sand barriers belt on the wind speed[J]. Aeolian Research, 2015,16: 101-107.

29.Bo T L,Li Z, Zheng X J*. Sand particle dislodgement in windblown sand[J].ActaMechanicaSinica, 2014, 30(6): 910-916.

28. Huang H J,BoT L*, Zheng X J. Numerical modeling of wind-blown sand on Mars[J].TheEuropean Physical Journal E, 2014, 37(9): 80.

27.Bo T L,Zhang H, Zheng X J*. Charge-to-mass ratio of saltating particles in wind-blownsand[J].Scientific reports, 2014, 4.

26. Wang G,BoT, Zhang J, Zhang J*. The critical frequency of the large-scale vorticesand the background turbulence in desert area[J].Atmospheric Research,2014, 143: 293-300.

25. Fu L T,BoT L*, Zheng X J. Lift-off parameters of saltating particles on Mars[J].Icarus,2014, 234: 91-98.

24. Zhang H,Zheng X J,Bo T L*. Electric fields in unsteady wind-blown sand[J].TheEuropean Physical Journal E, 2014, 37(2): 1-12.

23. Wang G,BoT, Zhang J*, et al. Transition region where the large-scale and very largescale motions coexist in atmospheric surface layer: wind tunnelinvestigation[J]. Journal of Turbulence, 2014, 15(3): 172-185.

22.Bo T L,Zheng X J*. A new expression describing the migration of aeoliandunes[J].Catena, 2014, 118: 1-8.

21. Zhang H,Zheng X J,Bo T*. Electrification of saltating particles in wind‐blownsand: Experiment and theory[J].Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres,2013, 118(21).

20.Bo T L,Zhang H, Hu W W, Zheng X J*. The analysis of electrification in windblownsand[J]. Aeolian Research, 2013, 11: 15-21.

19. Liu H Y,BoT L*, Wang G H, et al. The Analysis of Turbulence Intensity and ReynoldsShear Stress in Wall-Bounded Turbulent Flows at High Reynolds Numbers[J].Boundary-layer meteorology, 2014, 150(1): 33-47.

18. Fu L T,BoT L*, Gu H H, et al. Incident angle of saltating particles in wind-blownsand[J].PloS one, 2013, 8(7): e67935.

17.Bo T L,Zheng X J*, Duan S Z, et al. Influence of sand grain diameter and wind velocityon lift-off velocities of sand particles[J].The European Physical Journal E,2013, 36(5): 1-10.

16. Zheng X J,Fu L T,Bo T L*. Incident velocity and incidentangle of saltating sand grains on Mars[J].New Journal of Physics, 2013,15(4): 043014. (Highlight paper

15.Bo T L,Zheng X J*, Duan S Z, et al. Analysis of sand particles’ lift-off and incidentvelocities in wind-blown sand flux[J]. ActaMechanicaSinica, 2013, 29(2):158-165.

14.Bo T L,Zheng X J*, Duan S Z, et al. The influence of wind velocity and sand graindiameter on the falling velocities of sand particles[J].Powder technology,2013, 241: 158-165.

13.Bo T L,Zhang H, Zhu W, Zheng X J*. Theoretical prediction of electric fields in wind‐blownsand[J].Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 2013, 118(10):4494-4502.

12.Bo T L,Zheng X J*. Collision behaviors of barchans in aeolian dune fields[J].Environmental earth sciences, 2013, 70(7): 2963-2970.

11.Bo T L,Fu L T, Zheng X J*. Modeling the impact of overgrazing on evolution process ofgrassland desertification[J]. Aeolian Research, 2013, 9: 183-189.

10.Bo T L,Zheng X J*. Wind speed-up process on the windward slope of dunes in dunefields[J]. Computers & Fluids, 2013, 71: 400-405.

9.Bo T L,Zheng X J*. Numerical simulation of the evolution and propagation of aeolian dunefields toward a desert–oasis zone[J].Geomorphology, 2013, 180: 24-32.(Keyresearch article)

8.Bo T L,Zheng X J*. A field observational study of electrification within a dust stormin Minqin, China[J]. Aeolian Research, 2013, 8: 39-47.

7. Fu L,Bo T*,Du G, et al. Modeling the responses of grassland vegetation coverage to grazingdisturbance in an alpine meadow[J]. Ecological modelling, 2012, 247: 221-232.

6.Bo T L,Zheng X J*. The formation and evolution of aeolian dune fields underunidirectional wind[J].Geomorphology, 2011, 134(3): 408-416.

5.Bo T L,Zheng X J*. Bulk transportation of sand particles in quantitative simulationsof dune field evolution[J].Powder technology, 2011, 214(2): 243-251.

4.Bo TL,Zheng XJ*, Analysis on the dynamic behaviors of Aeolian sand ripples and sanddunes[J]. Chinese Science Bulletin, 2009, 54(11):31488~31495

3. Zheng X J,BoT L*, Zhu W. A scale-coupled method for simulation of the formation andevolution of aeolian dune field[J].International Journal of NonlinearSciences & Numerical Simulation, 2009, 10(3): 387-395.

2. Zheng X J,BoT L*, Xie L. DPTM simulation of aeolian sand ripple[J]. Science in ChinaSeries G: Physics, Mechanics and Astronomy, 2008, 51(3): 328-336.

1.Bo T,Xie L, Zheng X*. Numerical approach to wind ripple in desert[J].InternationalJournal of Nonlinear Sciences and Numerical Simulation, 2007, 8(2): 223.




6. Zheng X,BoT, Liang Y, et al. Monitoring system for turbulence of atmospheric boundarylayer under wind drift sand flow or sand dust storm environment: U.S. Patent9,500,769[P]. 2016-11-22.

5. Zheng X,BoT, Liang Y. Real-time synchronous measuring system for multiple factorssuch as wind-blown sand electric field, sand particle charging and wind speed:U.S. Patent 9,244,191[P]. 2016-1-26.





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